Bring Your Own Baby: Postpartum Recover Exercise for Mommy
A Mommy and Me exercise class
that focuses on Mommy’s Postpartum Care
while incorporating Baby!
T/TH 10:30-11:00am
Pricing: $127/mth
Mommies need to be at least 6 weeks postpartum (8 weeks for a c-section) with physician clearance to resume physical exercise.
After I had my second baby, I reached out to Leah Freeman and began attending her Postpartum class. I honestly don’t know how I would have survived those years without Leah‘s class. I had two children under the age of two and the Postpartum class was my sanity. I met other moms while exercising and everyone was very supportive of each other. Becky Rinat
I started attending the Bellaire Women’s Fitness Postpartum class when I was four months postpartum and found so much more than exercise. I found friendship and support and laughter and what has turned out to be lifelong connections for our family and children. Some of my most special memories of my babyhood days were found at Leah’s class. My children have grown past that age now and even though I still personal train with Leah, I will always cherish the Postpartum class days at Bellaire Women’s Fitness. Stacy Bauchaum
When I had my baby I needed to get out of the house and create some sort of change in my environment. I loved being a FTM, but I began to feel isolated and I needed to find a healthy movement activity and social environment for both myself and my baby. Leah’s Postpartum class at Bellaire Women’s Fitness was my saving grace. I felt a positive change begin to happen. I would hear the other moms talk about their struggles and their knowledge and I began to realize I was not alone. Hailey Cisneros
First week is on me … my treat! You can schedule your Complimentary Week by reaching out via the contact info at the bottom of the page or give me a call at the office 713 . 303 . 3565 or email leah (at)! Looking forward to visiting with you soon!