Life is full of sunrises and sunsets and there are many roads and avenues and varying weathers that take place in between each of those sunrises and sunsets!
How a person learns to navigate and chooses to navigate each of those intricacies becomes a part of who they are and it shapes their character and ultimately who they become in life!
If you’ve read my ‘About Page‘, you know that I have had many, many, many of those bumpy roads to navigate in life! Each of those; however, allowed me opportunities to grow and to choose avenues to become a better person!
I’ve put together seven of the avenues that have been helpful for me to overcome and to keep moving forward in life and I am super excited to share them with you to help you move through and navigate your own amazing journey called life!
I want you to be successful … I want you to be the best version of yourself … I want you to be confident and secure in who you are created to be! I want you to be able to take that special gifting that you have and go out there and make this world a better place!
Here are Seven Helpful Avenues for Successfully Navigating Life! These are helpful avenues that I have implemented in my own life for navigating life! I am super excited to share them with you and help you implement Seven Helpful Avenues for Successfully Navigating Life in your own life!
Hugs and love!!

Deal with the inner critic!
When that negative internal voice seems to remind you of every single wrong choice that you have ever made, kick it to the curb! Seriously … slam the door in it’s face and don’t open it again! Reframe the way you speak to yourself. Accept yourself and let go of needing external validation.
“I can’t believe you just did that”
“That was a learning experience and I am glad I will know how to make a better choice in the future.”
Embrace the times that you fall down!
Yes … I know … falling down h-u-r-t-s!!!
Sometimes you “skin your knee” other times you “cut and bleed … alot” and sometimes you feel like your whole entire being has been shattered!
Embrace the fall … it’s a part of the process of life.
Don’t let the fall define you. Don’t get attached to the fall. Embrace the season and know that it will pass and you will come out on the other side stronger and more resilient!
Give back to others!
When you set your focus on helping someone else, it diverts the focus from having time to think about negative things. To be clear, I’m not saying avoid / disregard what needs to be dealt with in life. I’m saying deal with life and move forward. Don’t dwell.
Find something that you are passionate about and get in touch with the local organization where you can connect with the cause and go through their volunteer process to help.
It’s OK to take small steps!
Some days it may be all you can do to pull yourself out of bed and crawl, some days you may be ready to walk (maybe even with a little sassiness in your stride) lol … and yet other days you may be ready to run!
Give yourself permission to STOP!
S … Stop for a moment
T … Take a deep breath
O … Observe what is going on both externally and internally
P … Proceed with choosing kindness
Spend time in a peaceful environment!
Find an avenue to connect with a time of peacefulness! Maybe it is visiting with a friend or family member. Maybe it’s reading a good book. Maybe it is going to a yoga / meditation class. Maybe it is going for a walk outside and getting some sunshine! There are lots and lots of options! Find one that works for you!
Remember to be grateful!
There is always, always, always something to be grateful for! Yes … even in the darkest moments of life! Remembering to be grateful will take you from a negative mind space to a positive mind space. Write one thing a day that you are grateful for. You can dedicate a place on you phone notes app, grab a pen and paper / journal etc. At the end of the month read through all of the things that you wrote down. This will give you a renewed sense of the goodness of life.
Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow and become a better version of yourself and ultimately leave an imprint of betterment and goodness for the world!