Turn FEAR into POWER!
Self Defense for Women
There is
that EVER
makes an attack
It is NOT
the victim’s fault
Women’s Self Defense
is a MUST
for absolutely
every lady
no matter
your age!!!
Seriously –
it is
Women’s Self Defense Workshop

While finding yourself in that moment of panic … that moment of stress … that moment of fear is a situation that we all hope to never be faced with, the unfortunate reality is that there are people out there that choose to do harm to others.
If ever faced with that situation, your body will be forced into reaction mode and unless you have given yourself the database of necessary tools in which to draw from, fear will most likely shut you down.
Give yourself the necessary knowledge and skillset to get on the proactive side of Self-Protection and Self-Defense!
Turn FEAR into POWER
Women’s Self-Defense gives you the tools to make strategic calculated decisions and take strategic calculated action steps in order to establish an opportunity to get away from a bad situation!
Women’s Self Defense & Self Protection Harris County Bellaire Texas
Women’s Self Defense is Self-Protection and Self-Defense education that is taught in a consolidated period of time that provides training opportunities with successive levels of progression. Each phase builds upon the previous phase; therefore, allowing incremental long term knowledge to proficiently set!

Level 1: Foundations and Essential Moves
Walk out of this three hour workshop with a ‘tool box’ full of successful avenues!
- 10 Powerful Self Protection Maneuvers
- Proactive awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and avoidance
- Hands-on Self Defense Techniques
- Create, develop, and enhance viable options for Self-Defense and Self-Protection
- Practice “live attack” scenarios
- Turn fear into power
Women’s Self Defense Workshop Reviews
Check out what others are saying about the Women’s Self-Defense Workshop with Leah Freeman at Bellaire Women’s Fitness!
“Thank you Leah for such a life changing workshop! I walked out of the session empowered and confident. I really liked the format of the class and the time and the drills. The “live attacks” brought a rush of emotions and energy. It was an adrenaline rush and I felt empowered to stand my ground. I hope I never have to use it but I am well equipped now if needed. I am so appreciative of all of your knowledge in teaching such a powerful course. Thank you again.” Rebecca Settle
“Take this Women’s Self-Defense Workshop with Leah Freeman! It doesn’t matter how strong or weak or big or small you are, you will learn the techniques and confidence you need that can potentially save your life” Eliza Leendy
“Three hours – that was the best three hours I have spent in a long time. It is amazing how much you can learn in just three hours. I learned an amazing amount of both information and practical techniques. Thank you Leah!” Gabriella Rachette
“The Women’s Self-Defense workshop with Leah Freeman at Bellaire Women’s Fitness is a GREAT workshop. Leah is extremely informative and knowledgeable and was able to present what is a serious topic in a light and professional way. This workshop should be mandatory.” Pricilla Shaver
“The Women’s Self Defense Workshop is an amazing workshop and I highly recommend it to anyone out there. I learned so much.” Casandra Linza
Women’s Self Defense Workshop Completion

Upon completion of the Women’s Self Defense Workshop, each lady will earn her Certificate of Completion and the Coveted Pink Wristband!

The 2024 Women’s Self Defense Schedule
January / February / March / April / May / June
Jan 2024
All January Sessions are FULL!!!
Feb 2024
Thursday February 8th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday February 9th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday February 10th 9:00am-Noon
March 2024
All March Sessions are FULL!
Thursday March 7th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday March 8th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday March 9th 9:00am-Noon
April 2024
Thursday April 11th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday April 12th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday April 13th 9:00am-Noon
May 2024
Thursday February 9th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday May 10th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday May 11th 9:00am-Noon
June 2024
Thursday June 6th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday June 7th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday June 8th 9:00am-Noon
July / August / September / October / November / December
July 2024
All July Sessions are FULL!
Thursday July 11th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday July 12th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday July 13th 9:00am-Noon
August 2024
Thursday August 8th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday August 9th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday August 10th 9:00am-Noon
Sept 2024
Thursday September 12th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday September 13th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday September 14th 9:00am-Noon
Oct 2024
All October Sessions are FULL!
Thursday September 10th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday October 11th 12:30-3:30pm
Saturday October12th 9:00am-Noon
Nov 2024
Monday November 18th 5:30-8:30pm
Monday November 25th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday November 15th 12:30-3:30pm
Dec 2024
Monday December 2nd 5:30-8:30pm
Monday December 9th 5:30-8:30pm
Monday December 16th 5:30-8:30pm
Friday December 6th 12:30-3:30pm
Friday December 13th 12:30-3:30pm
Yesssss!!! Sign me up for Women’s Self Defense!!!
Workshop Pricing: $297
Statistically speaking, one in every four women will experience a sexual or violent attack at some point in time during their lifetime. There is a strong possibility that if you are sitting in a room with a group of women right now, at least one of them has already experienced an assault. It is important to note that even though we often view the perpetrator as being a stranger, statistics actually show that 78% of sexual assaults are documented as being a non-stranger, someone you actually know.
If you are a survivor of an assault, it is important to understand that some of the techniques and discussions during this workshop may trigger strong emotions of past incidents. For this reason, I want you to know that if you feel more comfortable taking the Women’s Self Defense Workshop in a private one-on-one training atmosphere, I always have that option available – just let me know!
It takes a lot of strength and courage and willingness for you to take this important step on your journey to healing and self empowerment and I am so proud of you!
- How long is the Self Defense Workshop?! The Self Defense Workshop is a three hour workshop
- What should I wear?! Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in and comfortable shoes that you can safely maneuver around in
- Do I need to bring anything with me?! Feel free to bring water / snack / something to take notes / jacket etc.
- Is the Women’s Self-Defense a martial arts program?! No – the Women’s Self-Defense is strategic implementation of realistic Self-Protection and Self-Defense strategies emphasizing realistic training scenarios and realistic defenses.
- I would like to get a group of my friends/peers/co-workers/family together and schedule a group just for us – is that possible? Yes … absolutely! I have several groups that I have done that with and it’s a great time!
- Are there any discounts available? Groups of 5 or more receive a 10% discount so gather up your gal pals and let’s get going!
- I am unable to attend any of the times listed on the website? Are there other options? Yes – I schedule options other than the ones listed on the website. Feel free to reach out to me and we can visit about various schedule options! leah (at) bellairewomensfitness.com Office: 713 . 303 . 3565 or utilize the form at the bottom of the page
At Bellaire Women’s Fitness, we don’t just send you home with a worksheet and tell you to come back and see us sometime to refresh (if there’s room for you) as is the protocol for some of the other programs out there. We are the ONLY Women’s Self-Defense program that has carefully curated the curriculum so that you will be provided with weekly continued practice opportunities via the independently standing fee based Fight Fit class! Weekly practicing develops muscle memory which is integral in a fight-or-flight situation. Muscle memory can be key to helping you escape from an aggressor! You can learn more about the Fight Fit class by clicking here!
Self Defense for Women – Wait List
Wait List for Future Sessions: Please submit the following info if you would like for me to notify you of future Self Defense Workshop day / time options!