Sound familiar?!?!?!
- You tried eating “right” and it worked for a while, but the program’s calories were too restrictive and you couldn’t sustain the regiment
- You tried exercising, but the program expected you to have 60-90 minutes a day for their exercises that were clearly set up for an advanced athlete
- You actually lost some weight while on the program, but when the program finished, you regained the weight … and a little more
- You feel stuck in a body that you no longer recognize in the mirror
- You are frustrated because the harder you try, the more hopeless it seems
If you are like most women, you are seriously ready to be done with the perpetual rollercoaster of emotions that take place with trying diet and exercise program after diet and exercise program after diet and exercise program only to find out that they are ridiculously complicated, incredibly unrealistic, and overly hyped, resulting in unobtainable unsustainable goals and leaving you feeling like you have failed … again!

You are not alone!!!
So take a deep breath and let it out and give yourself permission to let go of
the guilt and burden of feeling like you failed!
Seriously … let it go!!!!
- Misleading weight loss advertising is everywhere and it creates an atmosphere of desperation to seek an easy solution
- Food corporations spend billions trying to convince you that their food is healthy
- Infomercials hire celebrities and parade scantily clad women in front of you and make you feel like unless you look like them, then something is wrong with you
Ladies …
Your value is more than just a number on a scale!
Your value is more than what size clothes you wear!
No matter what your size, shape, color, or form is … you are a wonderful, beautiful, and valuable!
Never, ever let society tell you otherwise!

Now, pause for a moment and imagine what it would be like to be able to finally step off of that emotional rollercoaster and achieve the healthy lifestyle you have so earnestly been trying to achieve for so long!
You are absolutely 100% in the r-i-g-h-t place!!!!

I finally got fed up with the industry and said enough is enough! I sat down at my computer and began developing a solution to this problem … a solution that is simple … a solution that is sustainable … a solution that is successful!!!! And … not only is it simple, sustainable, and successful … it is specifically developed for women by a woman!
- I understand what it is like to struggle with getting all of the pieces of your schedule to work with you not against you!
- I understand what it’s like to stress eat and emotional eat!
- I understand what it’s like to have those “monthly cravings”! … chocolate anyone?!
- I understand what it’s like to be overwhelmed!
- I understand what it’s like to be exhausted!
- I understand what it’s like to be completely unmotivated!
- I understand what it’s like to work incredibly hard on something and not achieve the anticipated results!
- I understand what it’s like to hear that inner voice speaking self-defeating negative statements!
- I understand what it’s like to be a very busy woman!
The healthy eating guidance I developed shows you how to successfully navigate lifestyle, it’s not a
6, 8, 12 week program that leaves you dangling at the end of the program!
It’s for real women with real lives and real schedules and real bodies!
It’s about empowering you to be the best y-o-u that you can possibly be!
It’s about healthy blood work and healthy mindset and healthy eating and healthy exercise!
It’s about hearing positive encouraging self-talk from your inner voice!
It’s about taking one step at a time and one day at a time … learning and growing and achieving and sometimes just being!

Is it simple … yes
Is it easy … not necessarily
I know what you are thinking. Wait a minute Leah, how can that be, isn’t that contradicting!

The healthy eating lifestyle is absolutely 100% simple! Change however can sometimes be challenging. So, transitioning from current habits to healthy habits may not be easy … doable, but not necessarily easy! For example, you may be picking up your meals at the drive thru or eating frozen boxed meals, you may not be exercising, you may be using negative self-talk, etc. It takes time and effort to replace established routines and habits with new ones!
I know, all of those other “programs” that you tried before didn’t tell you that … and those “programs” left you with a feeling of guilt and shame and burden and ultimately feeling like a failure!
This is not a program … it is learning to navigate life so that it empowers you as a woman to embrace who you are and where you are at each stage of your life!

With awareness comes healthy choice and with healthy choice comes much needed freedom!
- freedom from guilt
- freedom from burden
- freedom from blame
- freedom from shame
Sessions are scheduled by appointment only!
All Sessions are 30 minutes
Personal Sessions … $60/Session
Small Group Sessions … $50/Session/Person
Interested in Healthy Eating Guidance / Questions about Healthy Eating Guidance / etc.
Contact Leah via the form on the page or call the office 713 . 303 . 3565