Growing up, I watched my mom persevere thru more challenges in life than what any one person should have to persevere through. I watched her have hope when by all means she should have been hopeless! I watched her boldly and courageously embrace life when life was pushing her down! I watched her stand up for what was right even when she was the only one standing! I watched her work hard and be there for others even in times when she actually was the one who needed someone to be there for her! My mom didn’t just teach me morals, ethics, passion, kindness, character, values, etc. … she lived them out for me! And she showed me how to take your gifts, talents, and abilities and use them to help others to be the best that they can be!
My mom raised me in a single parent home while at the same time struggling with an arduous battle with breast cancer! And even though she passed away during that battle, at much too young of an age, she instilled in me qualities that I will never be able to repay! She was an amazing person and I am incredibly honored to be her daughter!

Your biggest challenges in life, your darkest days, your lowest of lows can turn out to be your time of preparation for some of your avenues of purpose in life! For me it was a tumultuous childhood filled with uncertainties that brought me to a crossroad of decisions at a young age! To be clear, you have a choice on the avenue you take! I could have let the circumstances take me down a road of playing the role of a victim the rest of my life, or I could choose to take those adversities and turn them in to something that would bring good from it!
Everyone has a story … everyone! In a day and time when social media pushes filters and illusions of perfectness, the reality of the ups and downs of life can get lost! Embrace your perfectly ok imperfectness! One day y-o-u-r story may become someone else’s survival guide and inspiration! Share your story, share your tragedy, share your triumph! Someone out there is waiting to hear that story so they can find the hope and courage they need to continue!

As for me, I chose to pursue my degree in Fitness and add Specializations in Women’s Health and Wellness and Certifications in Cancer Exercise Programming / Breast Cancer Emphasis! The road has been filled with twists and turns and hills and valleys! Hard work, determination, perseverance, and a relentless desire to conquer tragedy has allowed me to become the most sought after Women’s – Fitness Professional / Lifestyle Specialist / Motivational Speaker in the Nation!
It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to help ladies:
discover and develop their own individual strengths
embrace their own individual build / size / shape / form without feeling like they have to apologize
create confidence and happiness
let go of pressures, decompress, recharge
take confident courageous bold steps to achieve their goals
discover and develop their purpose so they can step into their own uniqueness and bring something positive to the world that only they can offer
“Step INTO your fear and something amazing, beautiful, and extraordinary will be on the other side!” Leah Freeman
“Someone in need is WAITING on the other side of your action steps! ” Leah Freeman
Stand Strong …
Never Give Up …
Never Give In …
Biggest Hugs and Love!!

Contact Leah via the form on the page or call the office 713 . 303 . 3565